I got Moderna #2 today. Yay! So very relieved to be on the road to immunity. After the year of global pandemic, lock down, isolation, fear, irritability, uncertainty, and bouts of insomnia and thoughts of doom I am so joyous for this moment. This week I have seen some improvement in my energy level and mental outlook. I haven't been so quick to respond to issues or actions with anger. Instead I find it easier to just pause and breathe, observe and then respond. I still feel most days like I'm on my own secluded island, though. Suspicious of any strangers. Wary if I see a maskless person in public. Too quick to judge. But I'm getting better I think especially now that I'm fully vaccinated. I feel like I'm free to plan ahead again. Eager to get information from the CDC on what I can and cannot do going forward. Excited about travel and seeing family and friends. Still, in the back of my mind there's a kernel of doubt. What about all these new variants? How long does immunity last? Can I infect others? Much yet to be determined.
March 8, 2021
Me parece que nada será igual. Hoy muchos seguimos teniendo miedo de contagiarnos a pesar de estar vacunados, la mascarilla se ha vuelto parte de nuestra vestimenta diaria, incluso los vestidos de fiesta ya traen una mascarilla como complemento. Pienso también que algunos nos hemos vuelto menos afectivos, abrazamos y saludamos menos a la gente, y cuidamos más el espacio personal. La entrada al trabajo también habrá de debilitar más los lazos sociales pues los espacios para tomar alimentos serán más controlados y no se permitirá tantas personas a la vez. Algo preocupante cuando somos seres sociales por naturaleza.
November 9, 2021