Finding new hiking paths Near our home Throwing bits of carrots Bunnies have a treat. Hiking past old dams Marveling at stone walls The sun sinking westerly We hurry before the datk. A bone carved long ago As I transversed a path This bone configured clearly By ancient tribal hunter. Before the stone walls set Long ago, many sunsets past The bone was carved to use Hunting across this land. Perhaps a call is due Finding bone provenance Could it truly be sacred? Sacred in such an early life? The spring water rests up Pressure against the dam I rush home and can finally paint A blossom in covid times. In the time of elections We are free from oressured hatred A regime that never spoke to me Now I can paint and dream. I dream of the carver who made This bone tool for his use His land now safe from harm New leadership protect the land! I wandered into my thoughts - ferling happier today!
November 27, 2020
In the last few months, our household shrunk back down to its pre-pandemic size. During much of 2020 and the first half of 2021, my 95 year old mother in law and 25 year old son lived with us. They had both been living in NYC when Covid struck, and we all felt that they were safer living with us in the suburbs than in crowded NY. This past spring, my mother in law, then recently fully vaccinated moved back to her own home, and then this fall, my son started a graduate program. So, now they are both back in the city. It has taken a while to get reacquainted with the quiet and just buying groceries and cooking for two! It is nice to only be responsible for ourselves again. But I do miss my son and the easy access we had to talking with him. He is super busy with school, and our conversations only give us glimpses of his life. But he is happy and busy, and once again, socializing with other young adults (as it should be). I've very much looking forward to having both of them with us for Thanksgiving next week. I'm glad that it is safe to travel and gather again together in our homes.
November 22, 2021