What's affected me most this week is two things. Firstly I had to do a resit for university to pass and get my degree. I found this a weird thing to do as I haven't had to do any exams for so long, also everyone else had already gotten their degrees and gotten registered as a Podiatrist so I was feeling left out. Secondly, my flatmate who had been in lock down with me since March has now gone home so it is very weird and sad without her here. I hope to go home next week, so for now I am just enjoying where I live and going on my favourite walks before I go home. However, I am nervous about going home. Will I be able to hug my parents? Or should I distant myself? When will I be able to come back to Edinburgh? these are all thoughts that I've pondered over the last couple of days. It will be so nice to be home though, so I am excited. Here is a picture of one of my favourite walks around Edinburgh.
July 6, 2020
My grandmother tested positive for COVID two weeks ago when she got a test in order to travel. She was asymptomatic, but she was obviously unable to make her trip. This trip was supposed to be with 4 of her siblings who live across the country and in Canada, and they hadn't seen each other since the beginning of 2020. Although she is healthy due to the vaccination, her brother-in-law unfortunately passed away earlier this week. She is unable to be with her sister and the rest of her family as they grieve the loss of an important member of their family. This takes a toll mentally and physically on someone her age because there is nothing she can do about the situation. She is not entirely comfortable using technology, so she cannot communicate with her family as people my age would. This is a really sad situation for everyone, but especially the elderly in our family and community.
November 26, 2021