As the holidays approach, I feel adrift. Ironically, in non pandemic years, I would be dreading snd finding ways to avoid holiday get togethers. But now that they are problematic, I seem to miss them. Mostly I guess I just want a choice . Even vaccinated with a booster, I don’t feel safe st gatherings of people indoors, for more than a few minutes. The senior housing where I live is holding a thanksgiving dinner for everyone but I didn’t sign up ..not even for a takeout dinner to;be brought to my apartment. For one thing, turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes sound disgusting as I move more and more toward a vegetarian diet.
November 13, 2021
Aquí todo es individual, nadie se preocupa más allá de su territorio y más aún se acentuado con la "sana distancia" las personas se evitan en la mayoría. Los demás se han vuelto desconocidos, extraños, alguien a quién evitar.
August 6, 2020