10/9/21 Key pandemic skill: fort-building. Also: playing together and entertaining themselves. Pre-pandemic we were well into the playdate stage with our older kiddo (now 9); not quite there yet with our younger one (now 6). In the past year and a half we've done playground meet-ups, back-yard get-togethers, playdates at the community pool, etc. -- but the kids have still had to spend lots of time entertaining themselves and each other, especially since we don't allow much TV/screens. They've gotten pretty good at it.
October 8, 2021
Happiness comes from little things. Iced coffee in the morning, homemade pulled pork from my slow cooker, watching my girlfriend slowly becoming a professional Youtuber. I woke up at 6:30 am this past Monday to the news my GF was approved to start making money from ads on her youtube channel. She has made all of 2 dollars so far, but she and I went through 1.5 years worth of youtube videos to remove the plethora of ads the algorithm tried to implant into her videos. We kept anywhere from 1-5 ads in a video depending on the length. And the entire process too about 2 hours worth of effort. But it was fun and made me happy. I am happy she is succeeding at her hobby and loves doing something. I am not at that level of love for anything, so I am somewhat living vicariously through her. I will get there one day. Today, I will just accept the small things.
August 26, 2020