A history professor in our town has a tradition of making elaborate, thought-provoking Halloween displays. This year, he -- and his friends and family, media reports share -- tackled both #BLM and COVID-19, as well as the death of RBG. My family and I went for a walk over the weekend to check it out. It's impossible to capture the full display in a single photo, but I've tried to snap a few. Media reports -- local and national -- capture a bit more. For example: A Connecticut man's Halloween display features real-life horrors: The coronavirus and Black lives lost https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/01/us/connecticut-man-halloween-covid-blm-trnd/index.html West Hartford family's annual Halloween display tackles BLM, COVID-19 https://www.wfsb.com/news/west-hartford-familys-annual-halloween-display-tackles-blm-covid-19/article_b22f79a0-0724-11eb-97fd-5f5558807e19.html This panel shows Black people killed by police. It's part of a series of four panels that starts with excerpts from announcements of runaway slaves that appeared in local Connecticut newspapers in the 1770s and 1780s, followed by a second panel showing quotations from Frederick Douglass, WEB Dubois, and MLK, then this panel showing people murdered by police. A horrible continuity.
October 8, 2020
Fui admitida a la universidad para la cual presente, entonces, es mi nueva motivación durante la pandemia. Sin embargo, mi papa ha vuelto a su trabajo y pues obviamente el esta expuesto al virus, al igual que su novia. Tambien se esta haciendo recorte de personal, por lo que esto los hace vulnerables pero confió en que ellos no serán despedidos, ya que son muy útiles en la empresa. Por otro lado, yo tengo que cuidar de las hija de la novia de mi papa, nunca he cuidado a niños de tiempo completo, se que suelen ser latosos y con mucha energía, esta situación me hace platearme dudas, sobre si en el futuro quiero hijos, ya que es muy cansado tanto física y mentalmente.
August 10, 2020