I get seasonal allergies every spring: juniper and elm. Sneezing, coughing, itchiness -- it's awful. Last spring I got the usual symptoms, but mixed in was this fear that perhaps it was not just a cold, not just hay fever, but ... [scary music] ... the Coronavirus! Aaaaah! Of all the symptoms that indicated you'd caught Covid-19, the one I fixated on was the loss of smell and taste. I put a container of strongly scented vanilla hand lotion next to my bed. If I woke up and felt particularly anxious that perhaps I had been exposed to Covid-19, I would open the container and take a cautious sniff. I have a small collection of perfume, too, but since I was working from home, I didn't always put any on. The levels in the bottles stayed the same for months.
April 6, 2023
La pandemia vino a acercarme con mi familia, dado que estamos conviviendo 24/7 con en casa. Aprendimos a dividir tareas, buscamos formas de distracción en casa y tenemos planes para el futuro. Mis amigos de la universidad, que son la relación no consanguínea más cercana que tengo, están cada uno en distintas ciudades, y nos ha servido para darnos cuenta de que nos hicimos muy cercanos e importantes. A menudo nos escribimos para hacernos saber que nos extrañamos y que estamos esperando el momento en que podamos volver a reunirnos. Espero que pueda ser pronto. De verdad los extraño.
August 10, 2020