Yesterday, when I elected to venture out to several stores in a nearby town, I almost felt as if I were a player in a real life Clue game. There I was, wearing a mask, avoiding close human contact as much as possible and unobtrusively slipping in and out of aisles, perhaps pretending that if I made myself invisible, the virus wouldn't find me. However, as I glanced at others likewise darting through the stores, it suddenly struck me that any one of these shoppers (including myself!) could be carrying, unknowingly or not----COVID-19. So who could be the guilty party? Just look around. Could it be the old codger in Kroger with a cane? College coed in Kohl's with a crossover bag? Baby in Books-A-Million with a rattle? Decorator in Hobby Lobby with fall flowers? Executive in the Exxon station with a Cross pen? It could be anyone. And by the time a suspect is pinpointed, it could be too late. No one is going to win this game.
September 9, 2020
This week has been the first week that "things" have started to feel normal. We have kept ourselves isolated and limited contact with family. For us family has always been a source of comfort, and we do not go long without a large family gathering. But this week marked the first of several social distancing visits, and it felt good to see and hear my loved ones again. However, I keep revisiting that first week of shelter in place, and I find myself nostalgic for the peace and calm of my home. There was uncertainty, yes, but my husband and sister (who lives with us) were home with me, the dogs were content, and we had a few quiet days of aloneness... That is what this photo represents. It was week one, and the house was clean, the sun was out... all was calm and closed off from the rest of the world. I felt both relieved and guilty to be sheltered in place in such a comforting space.
August 15, 2020