My daughter began school yesterday...IN SCHOOL, 5 DAYS A WEEK. I was ecstatic because I was so comfortable with the entire safety plans and protocols. I was on the Mental Health Committee and seeing what the other committees produced was extremely impressive. Plans for in person and distance learning, for those families who are more comfortable keeping their children at home were planned and now are in motion. This is the pick-up line of cars at the end of the school day yesterday. My daughter will not be taking the bus this year due to safety concerns. I was antsy waiting to get to the entrance/exit but I got there and my daughter jumped into the car and simply said, "SO MUCH FUN!!" She told me she felt safe and complained how her hands were dry from washing them all of the time! I feel good. She feels good that she is back with her teachers, her friends and she is loving being in her "outdoor" classroom. This is a good start.
September 3, 2020
This week, I am grateful for our home and for the ability to expand and create beauty in this ugly time.
August 10, 2020