"... I call this one Infinity. The endlessness of the pandemic and the weight we have as workers, parents, etc begins to take a toll on the mental health of the immediate family. ..."
June 25, 2020
Right now, the pandemic is mostly affecting my life in that I am very socially isolated. I can't visit friends for worry of contagion. I can't go see my parents, because my mom has heart disease and COPD and is over 60. I miss her so much, and I'm so scared she'll get COVID and die. Right now I'm working from home, teaching 9th grade English. It's really stressful and weird. The kids aren't doing much. But I don't feel safe going back either. I couldn't go see my best friend in another state over the summer. I feel so horribly lonely and frustrated, especially since I see people socializing normally all the time.
August 16, 2020