There is not one individual on the face of this planet who hasn't been affected by this pandemic. Our immediate reaction was to panic. It was to stock up on toilet paper. It was to go out for coffee and pretend like none of this was happening. We did this out of fear. We did this out of ignorance. Now, the world is coming to life as it realizes that it is truly homebound. This sparks a lot of negative feelings of despair. Therefore, I've been finding ways to channel hope. ... Taking pictures is essential in the 21st century. ... So, being the 18-year-old I am, I snapped some pictures. ... "Well," I thought, "If toilet paper is back and Dunkin' is open, maybe the world isn't ending." And the truth is, it isn't. There have been pandemics before us and there will be plenty after this one. Humans are just going to have to adjust and make the best of it. Documenting these small, mundane images serves as hope for me. As I watch the dandelions grow beneath my feet in this ever-changing season, I realize that COVID-19 is not the end-all. I realize that, even in the face of hopelessness, there are small ways to channel faith. It all depends on your outlook.
June 30, 2020
... Con respecto a si he realizado algo de arte ... sí. He retomado el puntillismo en mandalas, de hecho llevo dos semanas pintando atrapasueños como el de la foto. Para conseguir esta madera en corte láser debo ir al centro de la ciudad y comprarla. Hacía meses que no conseguía dónde comprarlas pues cerraron los negocios. Y antes sólo pintaba troncos de madera, ahora es que pinto cortes. Esta es una de las tantas mandalas que he vuelto a pintar, me tranquiliza hacerlas y varias personas las han pedido. Funcionó experimentar con ellas, es algo bello que me gusta hacer en el tiempo libre. Espero poder llevarlas pronto. ...
September 27, 2020