"... This image was created in late March, as the virus started spreading in the Northeast and the quarantine was imposed. It is about the slow insidious spreading vs the heightened state humans are in due to quarantine anxiety and isolation. ..."
June 25, 2020
The pandemic is this weird thing. It’s abstract and distant and then suddenly very real. My uncles in-laws all got the disease early on, in March. My aunt’s mother died, her siblings were all very seriously ill. That was when the virus suddenly felt very real. And then life moved on, the news moved on. Things started to open up and the world became a little less careful, a little less afraid.. or just tired of it all. Anyways there are days when I forget it’s even happening. But then, my grandfathers sister died from COVID and then...bam. It’s suddenly real again. I haven’t left the house really since mid March. We love on four acres of wooded farm land with chickens and goats. It is the ideal place to hide your family away in a pandemic. To be honest, this is why we moved here... not because of the pandemic but because we wanted to be ready for the shit storm that was sure to happen when climate change hit. We wanted to build a resilient life and have the resources to be self sufficient should the need arise. We moved here last year, I had no idea it would be this soon. ... How do we protect ourselves? How do we safely renter the world? There has been a lot of guidance about how businesses should reopen, how schools and things should open. But there hasn’t been much directive for how we, normal people, should now live in and with this virus. I wish we had more guidance.
June 30, 2020