Two days ago, I flew for the first time since March of 2020, an unexpected trip to spend some time with my daughter, who fractured her foot and needed help managing everyday tasks. The photo is of a well-worn social distancing sign on the carpet at the airport departure gate. I was uncomfortable about flying, because although I recently received a booster shot, it had only been five days since my shot when I flew. What was reassuring: everyone was required to wear a mask, except when eating or drinking, both in the terminal and on the airplane. I had recently acquired some KN95 masks and was wearing one. My flight was not full, so I had no one seating next to me. What was disconcerting: at no point in my travels did anyone ask any questions about my vaccination status, or whether I had any symptoms or had been in close contact with someone who tested positive for Covid-19. I used to enjoy air travel, but this trip, though necessary, was not enjoyable.
November 12, 2021
I was thinking of the virus and all the people who have died from it. And the sadness and suffering of those families. This image was done after looking up at the sky one day in July 2020, and seeing clouds moving fast. I was imagining all those I've lost from my family (not from virus but years or decades ago) - and even though they are gone, how their strength and presence is still with me.
October 6, 2020