This is a photo of a chalk drawing of Hope and Love drawn by a young child, another interesting find on a neighborhood walk. Not being able to go to school, and parents doing homeschooling has affected the lives of my children and grandchildren. I have faith that my grandchildren will be able to eventually catch up on their schooling. Other children won't be able to.I worry about this a lot. At this point in the evil pandemic, no one knows when children all over the world will be able to return to school. This is a problem that will be talked about and written about for perhaps endless years. Did people write about how children were affected educationally after the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919? Where is that information?I can't find it.
August 15, 2020
Not sure whether our neighborhood grocery store was just waiting for stock to come in or what, but whatever the reason, a Sympathy section devoid of cards is a pretty intense thing to see right now -- especially while you're shopping in a mask and trying not to touch anything unnecessarily or go the wrong way down the aisles.
February 5, 2021