The things that feel different this time of year - as we prepare for the fall and another surge to hit us, is the expectation that there will be a contraction of life again. And more shutdown coming. So we are trying to use these last days of summer here in the Northeast USA to get out as much as possible - to swim in lakes, ponds, streams, pools that have access. Go for walks, hikes, strolls with the dog. See friends at a safe distance in our backyards or on the street. These are not tears of sorrow but tears of gratitude, of strength. We WILL get through this harsh time...together.
September 10, 2020
It happened. We went back to school. Meaning we set the alarm, we picked out an outfit, and took our traditional photo outside - distanced with friends. And those friends walked into school for a hybrid model and we drove home. To the same space we have been in together for 6 months. SIGH. We chose a 100% virtual model for our 5th grader. First two days virtual were ok, and better than expected. The first few hours had me rethinking the whole process and wanting hire a homeschool teacher. Links wouldn't work, and it was hard to hear sometimes. That being said the teachers and students were pretty amazing. Patient, flexible, kind. So grateful for that. Second day was much better. However, without the walking to classes, school, lunch, all of that - its a much shorter day and leaves me thinking aside from a more organized virtual model than the last minute spring, I worry about my daughter losing our socially. We are ok, and we will be ok. But today my girl went outside and said "I just have to get out of this house! I thought with school it might be more cheery and light, but it's the same." We are so stagnant. But we have plans to go away with friends again in October and although it involves some self-isolation 2 weeks beforehand - we are all in!
September 13, 2020