This image, drawn by a four-year-old, says it all."I am angry!" next to a scowling face with gritted teeth. I don't know whether she drew it because she was feeling angry, or if she was just practicing drawing faces because they're learning about feelings at school. So I ask her how she's feeling. She tells me. It's elaborate, rambling, complex, and funny. She's honest, unselfconscious in a way that adults never are. She speaks in clauses and interrupts herself. She is love and joy and all good things distilled, sitting in the patch of sun on the scuffed living room floor of the new, smaller house we just moved into. She is surrounded by cardboard boxes and the dust of the house's previous occupants (why wouldn't you clean a house before you sold it to another family during a pandemic?! "I am angry!"). She is learning about feelings. She is teaching me.
March 10, 2021
Los ansiedad por saber que alguien más de mi familia se contagie otra vez de covid se ha vuelto parte de mi rutina diaria en estos días, pero como cualquier inconveniente, hacemos lo mejor que podemos para salir adelante. Este día decidí poner a mi gato como foto porque... me gustaría ser como él. Me sorprende su capacidad de comer, dormir y estar tranquilo en los días más sombríos y acercarse con las personas que más ama para recibir su dosis de caricias. Pero, así como el es tranquilo, también es capaz de transmitirme esa paz indescriptible, y cosas como esa es lo que me ayuda a levantarme y pensar en el futuro
November 25, 2020