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Has the pandemic disrupted your plans for the future in any major way? If so, talk about the most significant disruption(s).

We were hoping to go on our honey moon - and that was postponed and probably cancelled. We just started talking about doing a number of mini-moons, that way we are not constantly waiting for 'the right time' which we don't know if and when that will come -- especially if things in our life change. It is harder to find a job - and that means it will be harder to move and buy a house. And then it comes to when would make the most sense to start trying to have a baby. We can't have one if we are still living in a studio and I don't have work. I don't know when I will see my family next, as no one is in the same country as I am. When will it be safe to fly? And if it is safe to fly, will it be safe to be my parents? Siblings? Nephews?

August 29, 2020

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