This is a picture I took while sitting at the Belfast City airport 6 hours early because the 24 hour PCR test I took was lost by the lab and I had to get to the airport early to pay for another test - this time a rapid antigen. There are no customer service agents around until 2 hours before your flight while several people sit around waiting for their COVID test results.I was struck by the UK’s expediency in getting free tests to people. Little did I know that I would come home to CT and find people indifferent to Omicron - no mask mandate - and no tests to be found!
January 5, 2022
One of my favorite cafes went out of bussiness. They temporarily made it a gallery - a few unemployed artists are “presenting” their works, pasteries, and self-made coffee, and selling them. It is part of extensive protests that take place in Israel in the past weeks. I bought an overpriced cookie. I am unemployed too, but I have enough money for cookies. I try not to fall for deppression. I registered for painting lessons. The pandemic made me think about what I did with my life. I have plenty of time, I need a dramatic change. How come this concern of pandemic was something I never imagined? I need to work on my imagination.
July 29, 2020