Happy “Thanksgiving” Holiday! Poet Haley rearranged the day: Happy “Givingthanks” Holiday! I am grateful for my life: Wonderful caring husband (40 years together) Seven beautiful, healthy grandchildren Three super stepchildren & their spouses Parents & in-laws who cared in their lifetimes Our family home, safe, warm, happy Friends who always were present A cool local orchard - known to me For over sixty years from childhood My first newspaper coverage? My five year old self photographed Pinning the “apple on the tree” A bag removed from my head For the photographer to request “SMILE” !! I was famous !! My long braids tightly wooven Long ago, 1955 in this orchard. Now a new memory? My foot or more taller self Hit her head squarely into “Blue Jay Orchards” thick wood Celebrating this week With color coordinated Thanksgiving Holiday ICE PACK !! 🎶🎶🍎🍎🍎🍎🐾🐾🐾
November 25, 2021
My husband was offered a job in California just before the lockdown. We live in England and he is Belgian. He was very excited to be offered this job and as a family we were psychologically preparing for the transition. He began the process necessary to take a job with this organization. After having his FBI check it was time to proceed with the visa application. His job as a highly valued technical position. Then Donald Trump decided to stop processing and issuing any of these visas. Currently this order is in place until the end of the year. This has made our life more complicated along with the challenges of the pandemic. As now he is unsure when and if he may go to California, his moods vacillate as we are generally staying at home or going places where there are few people. We watch the numbers in California with sadness.
August 31, 2020