Every Tuesday I volunteer at our local ski hill ... I finally realized that the day on the mountain is a blessing during these times. I get to ski with guests at the resort and spend time talking to them. I had a fantastic day today and as usual the guests I hosted were a pleasure to be with. Everyone is there to have a good time on the slopes. What is most amazing is that no one talked about Covid-19, restrictions or anything else related to the pandemic. Tuesday are a day to escape the pandemic. I am outdoors with a neck tube covering my face, so safety is not an issue when you throw in the fact that I am outdoors. People are friendly and appreciative of what I do. My focus is on ensuring that everyone is safe on the hill and having a good time. The pandemic slides into the background for about 7 hours. No thoughts, no discussions, and no worries about Omicron. I think Tuesday is usually the best day of the week. I come refreshed and tired at the same time. My mind gets a day off. It is good for the soul.
January 29, 2022
As I am afraid to get on public transportation, because masks are only recommended and not required, I have been shopping locally for my food ..basically within walking distance. This includes an expensive deli-like market, cheese shop, bakery, drug store, yoga juice bar, and lucky for me ..a farmers market. I am almost 75 years old and the icy sidewalks this winter pose a definite hazard. Many seniors in the apartment building where I live have fallen in the last year and ended up in nursing homes or with family members. I walk slowly and bought a walking stick to lower the odds this happens to me. I am cooking a lot more than I did before ..I don’t go out to eat except on rare occasions when either my brother or cousin show up for a visit. We get takeout and eat outdoors at the local park. As we had a mild winter, we could do that through December. I am subsisting on grilled cheese sandwiches, meatloaf, yoga fruit bowls, homemade soup, hummus or egg sandwiches and cooked veggies. I am trying to go vegetarian but have to be careful! It to eat too much high glycemic food which I seem to crave .
January 30, 2021