A year ago, our lives changed in ways we would have previously considered unthinkable. When in March 2020, schools switched to online teaching and we were working from home, we couldn't imagine that life a year later would not be back to normal. Although it was hard to manage the stress of work, the craziness of kids' online homeschooling, constant exposure to screens, and the incessant disruptions of everyday life, being together and working on projects was also a deep source of joy. Elementary school is now (thankfully) back in person, and I'm sharing a page my 5-year-old son brought home just a few days ago. I'm so glad he seems to have enjoyed building a shed together as much as I did.
March 17, 2021
It has been over two weeks since I received my second Moderna vaccine but am still scared to get on public transportation.The guy in this photo has been taking public transportation all year during the pandemic and is still alive and walks by my apartment on his way to the bus stop every week. Still I’m not sure it’s safe even though recently the public transit system ... issued a mask mandate instead of a mask recommendation order. We also received notice in my senior apartment building this week that we can have a few visitors. Until now we niece only been allowed a wellness check by one friend or family member. The numbers of COVID cases in [town] are falling and are at the lowest level since the pandemic began a year ago, Some of our amenities have opened beck up, like the beauty shop, computer room, exercise room, game room and community room. We are still told to wear masks outside our apartments but not everyone does and half of those who do have it below their noses.
February 28, 2021