Seeing this created a rare release of tension for me. I don't know these neighbors but they have kept their pink flamingos busy during the pandemic -- they built a garden; went camping; got on a school bus; and now they are at the 'fly-in' watching a movie. This makes me laugh, and Dad too. I wish I could laugh more but I always feel a sense of tension deep in my bones this year.
September 25, 2020
I grew up in ... MI and then moved to Vermont when I married in 1968. After a divorce and retirement about 5 years ago, a voice in my head said “go home”. I now live a block from the house I was born in. I feel like a homing pigeon. I wonder if I had a premonition as I feel like this is where I feel safest during a pandemic ..near family and home ground,
June 5, 2021