This week I have been as horrified as everyone else with what transpired at the Capitol. What particularly struck me is that it happened at all.... and yet I (we) shouldn’t really be surprised....was it our ignorance or arrogance that caught us off guard? Ignorance because there’s been signs of discontent for awhile, and there’s been a continued beating of the “fear” drum feeding anger and lies to those starved for reasons and answers to why our lives have been turned upside down. Or arrogance because “no one would dare”...”you just don’t do that”...many of us are of an age where certain things just weren’t done... and yes, times change. But turning on your own government, storming the Capitol, all because you didn’t like the way an election turned out. Really? Ignorance of the mob, arrogance of a President? I guess we should be thankful in a way it was our own people turning on ourselves, as peaceful and seemingly easy as it was...for it surely could have been much deadlier.
January 22, 2021
As the holidays approach, I feel adrift. Ironically, in non pandemic years, I would be dreading snd finding ways to avoid holiday get togethers. But now that they are problematic, I seem to miss them. Mostly I guess I just want a choice . Even vaccinated with a booster, I don’t feel safe st gatherings of people indoors, for more than a few minutes. The senior housing where I live is holding a thanksgiving dinner for everyone but I didn’t sign up ..not even for a takeout dinner to;be brought to my apartment. For one thing, turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes sound disgusting as I move more and more toward a vegetarian diet.
November 13, 2021