It should be my graduation today, however it is now postponed until 2021. I am sad I cannot celebrate with my classmates and friends, but I am glad I am back home with family. The virus has also made applying for jobs more difficult, I fear I will start my roll in stressful times in the NHS or private sector as we need to wear PPE and socially distance. I also lack confidence due to not being able to be in clinic practising podiatry as our course was cut short, so I have not applied my knowledge in a while. Although, i'm sure I will pick it up again when I start work. Here's a photo of me celebrating my 2:1 honours degree in podiatry!
July 12, 2020
H e thought he'd never contract it. O h, karma surely is a bitch, A nd now we eagerly await X actly what fake news he'll pitch.
October 7, 2020