Rosie is my constant companion. She never judges me, is always happy to cuddle and is always willing to go for hikes and walks with me when my family doesn’t want to. I can’t imagine getting through the Pandemic without her.
August 20, 2021
I don't have children, but I do wonder what this time will do for their personalities/social skills. I think they might learn to fear germs and crowds in an unhealthy way-- some kids who don't have siblings aren't developing friendships with peers. Kids are spending too much time on computers / looking at screens, which I don't think is a good thing. On the other hand, maybe this time of hardship and uncertainty will make them tougher, more resilient, more humble and community-oriented than generations before them. These are just my random thoughts-- I've thought about this question particularly because of my 11yr old nephew, and I'm curious to see how this will impact him and other children in the long-term.
September 3, 2020