Preparing to visit a severely immunocompromised friend. So thankful to have rapid tests in the house right now as so many others scramble to find them -- and/or pay for them.
December 27, 2021
This week has been the worst of all. The west coast is engulfed in smoke and horrible air pollution from the worst wildfires in history. Climate change is here and it's catastrophic. We are now totally trapped in our homes by smoke and pollution. We can no longer pretend that there is even a semblance of our normal former lives out there in the world anymore. We can't go out into nature, we can't go to large inside gathering spaces (Malls, movie theaters) not if we value our health. We can no longer pretend that things aren't that bad. There are no longer any distractions that are not harmful or self-destructive. Everyday Donald Trump tells the blue states how much he hates us. If he wins again that will be the last nail in the coffin. If he doesn't win, that will be troublesome too as we will have to pry him out of the white house. It's as if whatever Higher Power you believe in has put out their hand like a big STOP sign in front of our faces and has said, "WAKE UP AND DEAL WITH THIS SHIT! Climate change is real, you are killing the planet and now she is fighting back with pandemics, fire, hurricanes etc! Also you have a dictatorial ass-hole in the White House and things are only going to get worse! (America has always had "honorable" men (not perfect) as president, now we know exactly how 3rd world countries with dictators feel.)
September 22, 2020