COLLAGE in PANDEMIC Covid MAP HUMOR on iphones with shared emails Llama (lama) means “WHY” in Hebrew BOOKS my salvation in a pandemic JOY - we Seek it each day 💙 COLLAGE in PANDEMIC
February 10, 2021
This past week I started reading my umpteenth book that is politically related. Many of my electives while majoring in painting in Boston were all taken in political science. Surprise! It was a turbulent time in the late 60’s early 70’s. Wexwere politically active. I retained my active respinse - often demonstrating to “save the arts in MA” “pink hats with 400,000 in NYC, yelling f—-k Nixon on the MA Statehouse steps. No ine was pepper sprayed on the Statehouse lawn that spring day in 1970. What could I do this year with the pandemic? I voted by depositing my ballot in the town ballot box weeks ago. I am netvous thinking about all the guns and amunition in CT at yhe start of the pandrmic. So my sign? VOTE psinted from old student canvases left behind - VOTE and think of those who need support from our government. My statexis overlooked - not those “important” states. I stay informed and nowcI may pray as today in the election, November 3rd. The background of each painting is blood red oil paint. We are hemorrhaging lives in this country. I end all correspondence Stay Safe!!!
November 4, 2020