Today is Saturday, August 21, 2021. One of the worst things about the pandemic has been the travel restrictions. Today I'm returning to Connecticut (in a car) 🚗 from Fort Washington, Maryland. On Thursday, I took an Amtrack train 🚉 from Windsor, Connecticut to Washington, DC. I miss the act of traveling and I miss visiting people. This summer I was able to visit some people after more than a year of staying home. But, my family skipped a trip to Cape Cod, Massachusetts because the pandemic is getting worse again. Also, my Church suspended in person services starting tomorrow. School starts next week and one of the vaccines may receive non-emergency approval soon. I'll be glad when the pandemic is behind us.
August 23, 2021
Change in my life? Two “believing mirrors” died One a colleague artist The second like a brother Suddenly heart attacks March ‘20 October ‘20 Change for my life? I could no longer paint. However, May 20,2021 I picked up my brushes And birthed a watercolor. May the drought of creative spirit Pass - changing me once again Into my self before mirrored self. Reflecting my love For friends passed.
May 24, 2021