One thing that brings me happiness is creating abstract artwork in old school Photoshop 5.5 using the Kai's Power Tools plug-in called Texture Explorer. Before the pandemic I was thinking of resurrecting my Titanium G4 Powerbook from 2001 and running some of the KPT visionary software that has since been abandoned. The entire process of getting the computer working in the first place made me pretty happy, and now I create a few of these cellular landscapes each day, listening to music and getting lost in the process. They each take about an hour because the CPU processing is limited to 68K and there's a lot of waiting, but it's worth it. I create them and they remind me of the way we have all changed in the past year, how we have become more aware of living life on a molecular level with differing influences as we change our behavior. I'm trying to make that awareness beautiful.
April 8, 2021
My connection To community? Teaching painting Exhibiting my work This connection Was severed by virus One solo show cancelled 3/2020 Two solo shows cancelled 4/2020 My charcoal drawing Years ago New England Art majors in college One talented student Now a new grandmother! The clock ticks My connection? Begin again Paint along lakes Guide new, young hands!
August 27, 2021