Drawing our little made on a thank-you card to his grandparents for Chanukah presents and our Thanksgiving visit. Took him about three days to draw and color. In thanking his grandparents, he also wrote: "It was super nise of you to let us in your house." Love that kid...
December 21, 2021
Happy “Thanksgiving” Holiday! Poet Haley rearranged the day: Happy “Givingthanks” Holiday! I am grateful for my life: Wonderful caring husband (40 years together) Seven beautiful, healthy grandchildren Three super stepchildren & their spouses Parents & in-laws who cared in their lifetimes Our family home, safe, warm, happy Friends who always were present A cool local orchard - known to me For over sixty years from childhood My first newspaper coverage? My five year old self photographed Pinning the “apple on the tree” A bag removed from my head For the photographer to request “SMILE” !! I was famous !! My long braids tightly wooven Long ago, 1955 in this orchard. Now a new memory? My foot or more taller self Hit her head squarely into “Blue Jay Orchards” thick wood Celebrating this week With color coordinated Thanksgiving Holiday ICE PACK !! 🎶🎶🍎🍎🍎🍎🐾🐾🐾
November 25, 2021