News event? My husband and I are all news all the time. My close friends avoid the news. I am compelled currently to listen and make sense of how this country is doing. The news: stats as to deaths in US - that dwarfs all other news. I will post the compared stats on the next optional photograph upload. I try to look at the positive side so first for this space I posted my Biden/Harris flag - yes we Dems have political flags too! The “soul of our nation” is also the title of Historian Meacham’s book I am currently reading! The parallels with the Depression and FDR’s leadership over four terms are stunning. Over my flag, a pastel of a National Park hangs on the wall - I won 2nd prize for “professional artist” category ! I had shoulder surgery months before I created this very prismatic landscape! It was my first artwork post surgery. Miracles happen - Life offers our souls abundant joy. I believe we will emerge successfully as a nation!
December 12, 2020
Hard to pick a single event when so much stays the same. Yet some problems and solutions are crystal clear and we still can’t work our way through them. Covid has just added a complicating layer to many peoples’ struggles from poverty, natural disasters, greed and denial. I think the biggest challenge for the US right now is the continued question for some as to who won the election. How is it this is even taking up any time or energy when the election is over, and over 60 court cases dismissed? We would be shaking our heads at any dictator trying to pull this in another country and yet here it continues - lead by the shouts of a very vocal, very angry few! This sets a dangerous precedent for America and the world when you turn a blind eye to rules and accepted social norms, especially when it’s just to curry favor from one. It allows political leaders, bosses and anyone else to justify their feelings of entitlement and turn a blind eye to those needing help. I hope the new year can shed some badly needed clarity!
January 5, 2021