This is a photo of a chalk drawing of Hope and Love drawn by a young child, another interesting find on a neighborhood walk. Not being able to go to school, and parents doing homeschooling has affected the lives of my children and grandchildren. I have faith that my grandchildren will be able to eventually catch up on their schooling. Other children won't be able to.I worry about this a lot. At this point in the evil pandemic, no one knows when children all over the world will be able to return to school. This is a problem that will be talked about and written about for perhaps endless years. Did people write about how children were affected educationally after the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919? Where is that information?I can't find it.
August 15, 2020
I sometimes help at a nearby farm. I help a fellow who had hoped to lease and farm full time, selling his wares at a farmers market and to upscale restaurants. Because of the economy he had to get a “real” job teaching so he wasn’t as dependent on the weather, and the fickleness of consumer spending to support his family. This year he did not even try any produce because of time restrictions he knew he was going to need for figuring out how to teach in this new world, so it’s just a handful of beef cows. They are pretty independent so it’s often just a head count, checking gates are closed, and water is available. I miss watching the tomatoes and or corn crops growing. The corn field went to pasture, and the hot house remains empty. There’s been limits put on every aspect of my life, and while I can stay home and isolate, With the cows I still get some interaction, some close contact with something living. This picture is Daisy, the one cow that allows touches. I know they all eventually end up at the “burger barn” but they have been my go to source of socialization during Covid. I’m hoping the owner can hold onto the land so I don’t lose this outlet as well as the many other activities that were part of my “normal” life.
October 12, 2020