Mourning my own as I gaze upon the English mourning The pandemic stole my right to mourn I remained huddled in my home My friends Were buried on zoom. My colleagues, friends, advisors Passing after shutdown March ‘20 And yet a year later I sought To set aside a memorial moment. In lieu of wakes and shivas Along with my in-person hugs I sat through Prince Philip’s service Mourning all my losses in a royal setting Taking time for silence and grief Thank yous for the Royal Family For this moment set aside to grieve. I engaged with the service, half listening, My own departed held no titles,no heraldries Philip’s honors appropriate for queen’s mate. I was gifted the time to observe and reflect Upon dear friends some younger than he They had died, as he, untouched by covid. I sat before the flat screen and mourned Remembering each friends’ kindness, each one’s care. The army-green Land Rover turned at Windsor gates With a bear skin helmeted officer standing in salute I marked the passing month by month of friends And on this day I transformed the regale spectacle Into my own service remembering my own losses Internally I stood in salute and prayed for each My own special persons, grateful for this timely solution.
April 23, 2021
Last week my mom finally came to visit!!! It was a glorious long weekend, and felt halfway normal aside from sitting in the parking lot with our masks on while we waited for her rapid Covid test results. Once time has passed and no faint line appeared I could finally take a deep breath and relax and just enjoy her company. My daughter was so excited to see her at pick up from daycare she ran right up to my mom instead of her usual shy act. The next morning we went to a pumpkin patch with the expectation of buying the big pumpkins, which of course turned into about a dozen small to medium pumpkins to decorate our front step and our dining table. We had a great weekend with my mom plus my in-laws, lots of time outside, a trip to our favorite park, a birthday celebration, a few meltdowns (mostly the three year old, one of my own). My sister in law and her family ended up staying home, mostly out of concern for the non-Covid but still miserable daycare germs they’re still battling every other week. All in all, it was an excellent weekend.
October 27, 2021