I always feel nervous going outside, especially on my way to work, but seeing the flowers in neighbors’ gardens as I pedal by on my bicycle reminds me to stay optimistic. With all the tragedy on the news, these flowers still decided to grow full of color and light, and I think we humans might be able to do that someday, too.
August 21, 2020
Photo Sketch 1: Caption: Jan. 4, 2021. (corrected year) Covid 19 days. I couldn't reach H. Not home, Refused, Deceased, Moved, Call Back, Wrong Number, Do Not Call, Disconnected. Cancel. Save & Next Call. It's often lonely and monotonous volunteer work --- maybe out of 60 calls, I reach 5-7 voters, over 2 1/2 hours. Photo Sketch 2: Caption: Jan. 6, 2021 (corrected year) Reverend Warnock wins his Georgia Senate seat! The first black Senator for Georgia. Covid 19.
February 10, 2021