I would describe myself as someone who is flourishing at this point in my life. There are many factors: a stable and supportive family, kids who are doing well, a stable job with reliable income, a good social network. I also realize that I am very fortunate and that some or many of these factors are lacking for large parts of the population and that there is lot of suffering. This picture is a family portrait with button faces my six-year-old son made it. If I think of flourishing, this is what I think of.
March 3, 2023
March 27, 2021 Caption: Covid days WE ARE OPEN! TA-DA! Yesterday I got a phone call (from Radiologist's office) directing me to book my mammogram, and an email from my Food Coop, directing me to sign up for my shift. I'm not ready yet. I'm not vaxxed. Too much to process.
April 2, 2021