This is a photo of a chalk drawing of Hope and Love drawn by a young child, another interesting find on a neighborhood walk. Not being able to go to school, and parents doing homeschooling has affected the lives of my children and grandchildren. I have faith that my grandchildren will be able to eventually catch up on their schooling. Other children won't be able to.I worry about this a lot. At this point in the evil pandemic, no one knows when children all over the world will be able to return to school. This is a problem that will be talked about and written about for perhaps endless years. Did people write about how children were affected educationally after the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919? Where is that information?I can't find it.
August 15, 2020
April 5, 2020 1) Photo Sketch Caption: Palm Sunday. Covid Days 2) Photo Sketch Caption: My favorite wool scarf was eaten by moths. Covid 19 Days
January 8, 2021