My family and I have been fully vaccinated since April. Well, my immediate family. My family in Scandinavia don't have any clue when they'll be able to get vaccinated, I'm not sure what the status of vaccinations are there, but they're not anti-vaccers. My family in the Southern part of the US is not vaccinated. I think maybe one cousin and one uncle, maybe. But that's it. And the two of them are only vaccinated because they're nurses and had to. I think it's partially that they don't really support vaccinations and partially they don't think they're necessary. It's scary because I'll be seeing them later this month, and while I'll be fine...I dunno it just makes me nervous. Here in CT, it was easy breezy to get vaccinated. I went to a drive-through site twice, which was staffed by the state national guard (idk the proper terminology). It took a while, but it was convenient. I was able to join in over the phone on a work call. And the shot itself was totally fine. I read things like Kate Middleton just got her first dose a few days ago and it's bonkers to me. Like, I've been fully vaccinated for over a month! It's funny because I feel like America is always eons behind other countries, but somehow we're leading the world right now in vaccinations.
June 9, 2021
July 21, 2020 Photo Sketch 1: Caption: I usually find books on the curb that people are giving away and I put books on the curb for people to take. Covid days. September 15, 2020. Photo Sketch 2: Caption: Covid and creeping Fascism... Keeping my head in a quiet creative space is like balancing a tender egg on a spoon as I walk through a burning world...
January 20, 2021