I've spent the last few days updating and repacking our family "Go Bags" in case of disaster. My living room floor is covered with flashlights, tarps, and crank radios, plus a hundred other things we might need if the Big One happens. None of it, though, is useful in our current disaster. How could we have been more prepared? Is it fair to even ask that question? Four members of my family have had COVID. One of them died. Another almost did. The other two were very ill. What could we possibly have done to predict or prevent that? Now we have a vaccine, so dammit people, get your shot. Apart from that, i just don't know.
October 5, 2021
This is a piece of the calendar of post-it notes my daughter and I started last March when she came home from college. The first week of quarantine last March, we thought it would be interesting to mark the days of staying home and see if we could make it across the room. We had no idea our swoops of seven flags (representing a week) would go all the way around the room. After 10 weeks, we started stacking the flags. Yesterday, at 55 weeks, we finally reached the last day. I’m so thankful that we’ve had no interruptions to our jobs and housing, but it’s great to be done with all that staying home!
April 6, 2021