The picture is of an area in my room where I keep a bunch of travel related paraphernalia along with items that a relative of mine has gotten throughout her travels, such as tourist related figurines, international coins, and even a paperweight, along with my passport. Although I've never been to any of the places that the objects are from like China, Japan, England, Pakistan, and Mexico, the objects all get me excited to go out and experience the world someday.
June 25, 2020
In the Sonoran Desert, cactus blossom each spring. From this harsh looking plant comes the most vibrant colors. The desert reminds us to remain in the moment, because these beautiful flowers only last a day. Toward the cool of the evening, you begin to see them opening. By morning, you awake to the cactus in full bloom. By mid-afternoon, they begin to droop and close from the intense heat. And then they are gone. Happy Easter and the beginning of springtime. Be present in this moment.
April 6, 2023