Facebook posts memories of my former life’s posts, reminders of how my life has changed. This stained glass window is @ the Chapel of the 4 chaplains at the Philadelphia Naval Yard. I attended a holiday concert there in December of 2019 with my friend L. It was quite beautiful and many singers were winners of Marion Anderson awards. A church they’d been involved with @ 18 th & Lombard (?) was sold & They’d been looking for venue. The chaplaincy was new to the naval retiree and he prayed God would help him fill the chapel with music and life beyond the military weddings it provided. It was inspiring. I’m not a church-goer, but I was one for the first quarter of my life. I was thinking today that I miss the gyms and choir and the Handel’s Messiah and the Hallelujah chorus. I wouldn’t venture into a congregation of people singing hymns @ this point in time. I can make a plan to watch a service on tv and sing along and use my cd’s of the Messiah, hymns and Carol’s and I am purchasing some holiday flowers to decorate a bit more. I’m glad I have the memory and photograph to help recall my 2019 experience there.
December 17, 2021
On Reddit today there was a question, "What's something that's secretly been great about the pandemic?" The top response was "Not dealing with a commute". Being at home during the workday means I can pop a load of laundry in the washer in mid-morning, and hang it on the line during lunchtime. Here in New Mexico, that usually means I can bring it in at the end of the day and it's dry. But last week we had a storm that brought snow, hail, and rain to the city for three days. Normally we would have a snow day and not have to go in to the office. Pandemic work-from-home means we don't have a commute, but we also don't have days off when it snows. Three days later, the sun came out, the snow melted, and I brought the laundry in off the line.
February 24, 2021