CoVid continues to feel like this thorn on a rose bush… ever present danger despite the promise of beauty. Can’t let your guard down or you may get pricked. The rain drops emphasize a longing for sunshine, light and a carefree spirit which is not the same as CoVid fatigue. I think we’re beyond that now…
April 21, 2022
Money hasn't been a problem as I have been able to work remotely through the pandemic Access to goods, though, was an ongoing problem in 2020 There were mysterious shortages of usually reliable supplies: hand soap, toilet paper, flour, yeast, rye flour, and chicken thighs It was extra upsetting when I would have to wait outside for the number of patrons to exit so that new ones could go in, only to find that the thing I had counted on re-stocking, was not available My parents are hoarders Before the pandemic, I used to criticize my parents for stockpiling cases of toilet paper There were only two of them, and they had four cases in reserve I thought, even if there was a harbor strike, they had enough toilet paper to last for years Then this pandemic struck, and I thought, maybe my parents had a point Those four cases of toilet paper didn't look so nutty after all
November 1, 2021