I got vaccined!!
January 13, 2021
When corona virus outbreak started, I was a senior in high school. At that very specific moment, I did not think or believe that it will take more than weeks in order for doctors to have fully control over it. Once the outbreak appeared in New York here, schools were told to close "temporary". My thoughts was never about anyone's well-being. Instead, thinking about senior activities that will be missed due to the pandemic. As the time goes by, more positive cases are coming out, it came clear that non of the senior activities will take place, even our graduation will be online. I was frustrated, furious and selfish. Because, I am the first person in my family to be attending college, and to make them proud of my accomplished, and graduating as second in my class with speech, I wanted them to watch me on stage. After awhile, I then realized that, the healthy of the nation, is far more important than any individualism. As a result, I put my personal feelings on side, and started to care about others. I did that, by offering to volunteer help my classmates whom were at the risk of not graduating on time, not having or knowing how to use technology adequately for online classes.
September 21, 2020