Went for my Covid testing for work today and took a pic of the testing tent. A woman with her two little girls was a head of me -- so cute but no masks and running around which kind of made me nervous. It was strange standing in the line for testing, felt so surreal. Have seen the testing tents on the news and in photos so often it was weird to actually be in a line for one of them. There were circles with the Husky symbol on the ground to keep people in line 6 ft apart but the line went pretty quick because we had to pre-register and basically just show our IDs to the check-in nurses through the plexiglass. The whole things was pretty straight forward – they called you up, verified you were in the system, had you go to a chair, turn it around and sit in it. After a while a nurse covered head to tow in a gown, gloves, disposable pants, mask, hair net and face shield comes up to you with long stick, says this is going deep in you nasal passages on both sides then plunges it in. It is a shock when she does it -- definitely hurts to suddenly have a stick shoved up your nose, and I joked with her that I was really awake now It gave me a mild headache afterwards but the whole thing was super quick so I wouldn't hesitate to have it done again. (...)
August 26, 2020
For the second time in 6 months, I've flown back to Hawaii to spend time with my folks Hawaii treats the pandemic threat differently than the mainland Here is a sign at the Waimea Farmer's Market on February 23, 2022 Most other states have suspended their public mask requirements, but not Hawaii Did it work? Yes, Hawaii boasts the lowest Covid case rates in the nation after Maine, Oregon, and Maryland
March 1, 2022