Finding new hiking paths Near our home Throwing bits of carrots Bunnies have a treat. Hiking past old dams Marveling at stone walls The sun sinking westerly We hurry before the datk. A bone carved long ago As I transversed a path This bone configured clearly By ancient tribal hunter. Before the stone walls set Long ago, many sunsets past The bone was carved to use Hunting across this land. Perhaps a call is due Finding bone provenance Could it truly be sacred? Sacred in such an early life? The spring water rests up Pressure against the dam I rush home and can finally paint A blossom in covid times. In the time of elections We are free from oressured hatred A regime that never spoke to me Now I can paint and dream. I dream of the carver who made This bone tool for his use His land now safe from harm New leadership protect the land! I wandered into my thoughts - ferling happier today!
November 27, 2020
I worked from home for a year and a half, from March 2020 to July 2021 I spent a lot more time with the chickens and the cat It may have made me a better pet owner because I felt more attuned to their needs This spring my friend gave me 6 new pullets to add to my existing flock of 4 hens I've gotten a lot of enjoyment out of watching them grow and interact Definitely pets helped me get through the pandemic
May 31, 2022