November 11, 2020 Photo Sketch 1: Caption: Covid days. Thought bubble: Am I spiritually paralyzed? Me today. Little sleep. Searching for Bliss always as the rain beats down. Photo Sketch 2: Caption: Covid days. Relief Biden win. Protect the vote. Pentagon shakeup. Anxiety: Thrusts of energy from grassroots hustling. More phonebanking...Georgia. The largest social movement in history BLM. (After note: As I look at these sketches now (Jan. 26, 2021), I'm reminded how I grew up in a culture that always emphasized strength and overcoming difficulties --- but I was falling apart in these sketches. I thought that was important to sketch. I want these recordings to be truthful, and not distorted by "how we should handle" multiple crisis. I was exhausted.)
February 5, 2021
Princesses on the run. For the first time in almost 2 years I boarded a plane and flew to Colorado to be part of my sister's surprise 70th birthday celebration. And, I met my second grand niece for the first time. She is 14 months old. Her sister is 4. This picture was taken a few months ago. The youngest has no idea that she was born during a pandemic. The oldest only knows that she has to wear a mask when she goes to pre-school. But, on this day the only thing that was important was running down the sidewalk in princess dresses. Fear not. The "driveway boundary" was observed and mom was watching closely.
August 4, 2021