This is a vax site near my house. It's been there all week and been empty like this. This makes me so sad. And angry. We (USA) are sitting on so many vaccines and people here are not taking them, while all over the world people need them. My sister in the UK JUST got her first shot and has to wait until Sept for #2. My friends in Spain, still waiting for theirs. A friend in Ireland still not vaxxed. Never mind what's unfolding in Latin America and what's about to hit Africa (Can you say Delta Variant?). I can't wait for the vaccines to receive full authorization so that places can mandate them. Methodist Medical in Houston did the right thing, terminating the employees who wouldn't take it. Medical workers not getting the vaccine!!! Crazy!
June 22, 2021
I am part of a large choral ensemble that will be performing Bach's Mass in b Minor. It is difficult music and I love the challenge. Up to this point choristers have been required to wear N95's or KN95's. But with the new CDC recommendations, and our county being in the moderate zone for infections, masks are now optional. There's no telling right now about whether we will wear them for the concert which is at the end of April. I've decided to keep wearing a mask, though, it muffles my voice. I don't know how long I'll continue wearing a mask. The picture that accompanies this entry is a snippet of what we are singing and shows one of the many melismatic sections. Melismas are long "chains" of notes usually sung very, very fast fast. It's usually just one syllable that is sung. So, if the word is "gloria," the first syllable, "glo", can be sung over 10 or more measures on just the "O" sound. Imagine 8 vocal parts (soprano 1, soprano 2, alto 1, alto 2, tenor 1, tenor 2, baritone, and bass) all singing different notes. Really fast. It's dramatically beautiful. Bach melismas in a pandemic. Here we go.
March 10, 2022