After I posted my fears last week about our trip to the Grand Canyon, it hit me that I never mentioned all of the good things that happened there. In this age of pandemic, it's easy to travel down a negative spiral. I'm learning that I have to work more at finding gratitude for the things I do have. It's not quite so automatic anymore. I'm determined to do better. On this trip to the Grand Canyon, I had my first experience watching the sunrise over the canyon. We stayed the night in the park, and the sunrise was beautiful, with no crowds. How could I have so quickly overlooked this private moment of beauty and calm? Somehow, I believe our Earth will find a way to survive and right itself. With our without us. Today, I'm grateful for my time at this majestic and timeless place.
November 25, 2021
Food pics from left to right, top to bottom (except last one obviously). 1) Portuguese bakery box 2) Ethiopian food 3) Mexican enchiladas repurposed taco style using injera, not tortillas (genius decision, injera goes very well with Mexican food) 4+5) attempted mini fondant chocolate cakes and taste test (not bad actually) 6-8) Too good to go-items from local bakery 9) My cat, right after his nail trimming session bribed with countless treats
February 18, 2022