I read 'The Cancer Journals' by Audre Lorde earlier in the week and, though she was talking about the individual experience of having breast cancer, her words about how sudden illness impacts all facets of yourself stood out. She describes 'the agony of an involuntary reorganisation of my entire life' following a negative diagnosis. This resonated very much in terms of how many people lost out with lockdown. However, she also says: 'But within those three weeks, I was forced to look upon myself and my living with a harsh and urgent clarity that has left me shaken but still stronger'. I hope this will apply as we recover from Covid-19.
August 4, 2020
It really frightens me to see how the pandemic is being handled around the world. From the current surge in India, to the Populist denial in Brazil, and the effective shutdown in New Zealand that essentially eradicated the virus threat there - the dramatically different responses from various governments across the globe terrifies me. Even with the Biden administration working overtime to make up from lost time under Trump's command, the US is facing its own problems with vaccinations, the neverending farce that is Q-Anon and the current "Republican" party, and misinformation. How many people need to die globally before we put human life ahead of $$$, greed, power....?
May 18, 2021