April 5, 2020 1) Photo Sketch Caption: Palm Sunday. Covid Days 2) Photo Sketch Caption: My favorite wool scarf was eaten by moths. Covid 19 Days
January 8, 2021
It is the first time we come back to nyc since our last visit on March 2020… When we visited then I was the only soul wearing a mask in Nyc… now a lot of people use it. We are happy to be able to go out and enjoy a trip like this. Our daughter is staying in NYC for a month, and sharing an apartment w 3 girls… one came back yesterday from a trip to Miami and very soon she reported she tested positive… so mi daughter went to get tested, thank god she is negative and she began using a mask as if it was a part of her body, she wears it constantly. Mi brother who lives in Colombia w his wife and 3 adult sons has lived trough a very difficult week… A. tested positive, he passed it to P., and finally M. got it… so 3 out of 5 relatives got infected…after months and months of confinement. Such a difficult time in Colombia simply because the vaccines are so slowly being offered to the general public. I regret I dis not invite the family to come over to get vaccinated.
July 15, 2021