I got Moderna #2 today. Yay! So very relieved to be on the road to immunity. After the year of global pandemic, lock down, isolation, fear, irritability, uncertainty, and bouts of insomnia and thoughts of doom I am so joyous for this moment. This week I have seen some improvement in my energy level and mental outlook. I haven't been so quick to respond to issues or actions with anger. Instead I find it easier to just pause and breathe, observe and then respond. I still feel most days like I'm on my own secluded island, though. Suspicious of any strangers. Wary if I see a maskless person in public. Too quick to judge. But I'm getting better I think especially now that I'm fully vaccinated. I feel like I'm free to plan ahead again. Eager to get information from the CDC on what I can and cannot do going forward. Excited about travel and seeing family and friends. Still, in the back of my mind there's a kernel of doubt. What about all these new variants? How long does immunity last? Can I infect others? Much yet to be determined.
March 8, 2021
Since the pandemic has started not much about my life has changed. I still attend school and I still opened my snow cone stand in the summer. Some changes that have occurred include going to school online and less work during the summer because most of my events I attend were closed. I have not really participated in the pandemic because I believe that it is irrelevant. To me this is all a scam by the democrats because they do not want trump to be re-elected. I have not worn a mask unless I have been made to. they are uncomfortable and pointless if you ask me. I feel like this corona vires is nothing more than like the flu or strep. at the beginning of the summer my mom had it and she was just fine. I live in the same house as her and I never had any symptoms, so I continued my everyday life like everything was normal. I think that this will all be over after the election and I am just waiting it out to see where all this goes after September.
September 22, 2020